Healthy Eating for the Holidays – The holiday season is fast approaching and we all know what that means…turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato pie, more stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and did we mention stuffing? The real test is not about how much we can eat, but how we can maintain a healthy diet during the holidays. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice the foods you love – it’s really just about portion control and the famous words, “do not over-indulge.”
How can we maintain a healthy diet during the holidays?
Think about this – when you go out to eat, do you often feel like there’s too much food on your plate, but you need to finish it all? It’s a fact that we are being served bigger portions, but also, we’re choosing to consume those larger servings, meaning that we’re eating more than we usually would. When we make our own plates of food, during holiday dinners, for instance, we need to keep our servings in moderation. Yes, you can still sample your coveted stuffing and sweet potato pie, but only opt for a sliver instead of an entire plateful.
What’s in it for you?
Your health. And hey, come January, you’ll be able to admit that you didn’t gain any “holiday weight.” And better yet, you won’t have to make that never-ending New Year’s resolution to lose weight (it’s ok, everyone does it!).
If you’re new to the portion control diet, it’s ok; we’ll help you get started. Keep reading for some suggestions on how to ease your way into it.
Ease your way into healthy eating by practicing portion control.
*Meal prep on Sundays. Instead of eating out every day during lunchtime, pack healthy meals for the week ahead so you can grab them when you’re hungry. This also saves time in thinking about what you should eat, since it will already be prepared.
*Use smaller containers. If you’re saving leftovers, pack them away in smaller containers that are only a single serving. That way, you will be less tempted to eat all of the remains in one sitting. And now you will have enough for two different meals!
*Don’t buy large snack containers. Buy individual snack servings or portion them into smaller bags. We are all guilty of constantly snacking while we work!
*Eat your veggies! Yes, your mom was right; you do need to eat your vegetables. You can incorporate them into your lunch and dinner or even as healthy snacks throughout the day. This will help you get your daily servings of protein and grains!
*Try to eat smaller meals. Instead of three large meals, it is actually better to eat several small meals throughout the day. This will help curb your appetite and limit overeating.
We wish you the best in your healthy eating goals this holiday season and beyond! Once you develop healthy habits, they will become part of your daily routine; getting started is the most challenging part.
Be proactive to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
At Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging, we empower individuals to become proactive in their lifestyle choices to maximize their well-being. If you have any questions or concerns about your health, please contact us at 856.596.5834 or https://tdinj.com/contact/
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