Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of Drinking Water

Benefits of Drinking WaterWe recently did a post on the benefits of drinking water. Some of the benefits we highlighted were the fact that water can aid in healthy weight loss, help improve the look of skin through proper hydration and full body detoxification. However, we LOVE water and want to go a step further in explaining its benefits to really drive the point home!

  1. Mental Clarity – Since the body is made up mostly of water, depriving it of H2O inhibits your major organs from functioning to their full potential. Staying well hydrated does everything from increasing brain function to headache relief and prevention.
  2. Relief from aches and pains – Drinking enough water helps to keep your body’s muscle tissues hydrated. While there are a number of reasons for muscular aches and pains, dehydration is one of the leading causes.
  3. Vaginal health – By maintaining a healthy Ph level you can decrease your risk for contracting common vaginal infections, primarily yeast infections. By drinking enough water we help keep our body’s Ph at a normal and healthy level.

For more information about the benefits of water or to learn just how much water you should be drinking every day please refer to our first “Benefits of Water” blog here. Or to explore the Wellness Services and Holistic Health Coaching offered at Health Through Awareness please visit our website here.