Tips for Better Breast Health

Tips for Better Breast Health

More and more health care professionals are subscribing to the idea that when it comes to breast cancer, prevention is just as important as treatment and a cure. It is due to this notion that many of these health care professionals have begun all manner of health coaching in an attempt to promote a healthy lifestyle that leads to a lowered risk for many cancers including breast cancer. Liesha Getson is one of these talented individuals.

Liesha is a Holistic Health Counselor who received her training through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition; a Cancer Support Educator certified by and is a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. She is also a Board Certified Thermographic Technician who has been involved in the field for more than ten years. Liesha’s goal is to use her talents to screen for signs of breast disease and to educate her clients on ways to live a healthier life in order to prevent breast cancer.

Here are some of Liesha’s personal “Tips For Better Breast Health”

  • Eat Organic — This includes fruits and vegetables, grass fed meat and dairy as well as cage free poultry and eggs in order to avoid ingesting hormones, pesticides and antibiotics.
  • Smoking Cessation — Quitting smoking greatly lowers risk for cancer and smoking cessation services are offered on premises at Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging.
  • Exercise — Regular exercise helps to build a stronger immune system and is linked to improved mood.
  • Avoid Processed Foods — Avoid refined and processed foods like refined sugar. This keeps you from ingesting additives and chemicals.

For more “Tips for Better Breast Health” please visit our website here. Or to learn more about the services offered please visit us here.