Are you or someone you know suffering from unceasing, intractable pain. Could it be Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)/Reflex sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)?
What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)/ Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)?
CRPS/RSD is an incurable neurologic disorder that often occurs after a trauma to an extremity. It happens when an injury does not properly heal causing the nerves to misfire, sending constant pain signals to the brain.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, is a chronic neurological syndrome characterized by:
- severe burning pain
- pathological changes in bone and skin
- excessive sweating
- tissue swelling
- extreme sensitivity to touch
- color and/or temperature changes in an extremity
To learn more about RSD/CRPS, please visit our FAQ page.
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The RSD Association of America’s mission is to provide support, education, and hope for everyone affected by the pain and disability of CRPS/RSD while we drive research to provide more effective treatment options and a cure.
Approximately 50,000 new cases of CRPS occur each year, yet most individuals are not familiar with the syndrome.
Please join us for our annual CRPS/RSD Walk/Run on Saturday, September 13 @ 9A.M. with pre-registration at 8 A.M. at Cooper River Park, Park Drive and McClellan Blvd, Pennsauken, NJ.
Dr. Philip Getson is again the host for this year’s walk, for more information or to register by phone please call Dr. Getson’s office at 856-983-7246. To register or make a donation online go to
We will have live music, healthy snacks, celebrity guests and prizes for participants.
It is a wonderful day for fellowship, awareness and hope.