August Newsletter – Mindful Eating

August Newsletter – Mindful Eating

So often we eat mindlessly.

We stuff food into our mouths while working on the computer, watching TV, or when we’re on the run. The pleasure of eating lies in slowing down and fully experiencing all of the elements of food. Take some time to explore each of the following during your next meal and notice the difference. The main thing is to have fun, learn something, and understand yourself better.

Fresh Peaches - Mindful EatingIs there anything more delightful to the senses than biting into a juicy, ripe Jersey peach, the fuzzy feel of the skin, the enticing smell of the nectar, the sweet and slightly tart flavor dancing on your taste buds?  Or the buttery sweetness of an ear of corn when you bite into it and you can taste the sunshine in the kernels?  I love to watch our grandsons eating corn on the cob. They do it with total abandon and joy; with butter and juice running down their mouth, hands and arms. Let’s not forget about Jersey tomatoes.  Ask anyone from New Jersey and they’ll tell you they are the best in the world. Biting into a red ripe tomato is like biting into summer.  The tomato needs no accompaniment, it can be a stand alone snack, but of course it goes great with all kinds of dishes.

These simple pleasures are a slice of yesterday, a sensory trip back in time. For me they evoke childhood memories of a time when all was well, when life was simpler and summer was a time when things slowed down. The lazy, hazy days of summer, family picnics and vacations, days at the beach or in the mountains or fishing at the lake. Balmy nights chasing lightening bugs, throwing a Frisbee and playing hide and seek, with the adults sitting close by talking quietly on the porch, there was a real sense of family and community.

The next time you pick up a peach, take a moment and engage all of your senses and see where it takes you, what wonderful memories await your rediscovery.

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Additional Topics in the August Newsletter Include:

  • Preview of the August Webinar with Shirley Gutkowsky, RDH, BSDH, FACE
  • A Thank You to Dr. Tom Wachtmann
  • A Special Invitation to help increase awareness about thermography