Acupuncture for Breast Health

Acupuncture for Breast Health

Acupuncture for Breast HealthWhile acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a part of traditional medicine in China the practice is fairly new to the United States finding its introduction about 200 years ago. Acupuncture uses extremely fine gauge needles, heat and pressure applied to strategic sites on the skin to produce its desired results. The popularity and application of this ancient Chinese medicine is becoming increasingly popular and finding its way into the mainstream a little more each day.

Acupuncture can be used for any number of reasons including but not limited to stress reduction, weight loss and fertility stimulation. At a recent Breast Health Awareness Meeting, guest speaker Sheri Krauss, License Acupuncturist with Lourdes Wellness Center, discussed her practice as a way to use acupuncture in cancer care. Often times this Chinese medicine uses organic means to reduce some of the symptoms caused by chemotherapy including nausea, pain management and immune system support. Its stress reduction benefits also have a positive effect on attitude and quality of life. Because acupuncture treats the entire person rather than just the disease the result is a more balanced system in general.

While there is still much to learn about acupuncture and the way it works many suggest that it works as a result of physical responses of nerve cells and parts of the brain to the pressure caused by the needles inserted into the skin. It is also reasonable to assume that because of the overall improvement in quality of life, stress relief and pain management that acupuncture can be used as a useful breast health improvement tool to reduce the risk for certain diseases. Because disease prevention is just as important as treatment, adding acupuncture to your health regime may be a positive step in the right direction towards improved health. Please remember to only seek treatment from trained and licensed acupuncture specialists who use disposable one time use needles.

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