Avoid Illness This Winter

Avoid Illness This Winter

With the weather getting colder and winter quickly approaching our houses get closed up tight and the heat gets turned on high! But with the combination of cold weather and recycled air within our homes it becomes all the more important to maintain the air quality indoors to avoid those pesky winter colds and sinus infections. Hot, dry air has a tendency to irritate the nasal passage which can lead to nasal congestion or infection. Here are a few tips to keep the air fresh in your home and avoid illness this season.

  • Air filtration — Make sure all of the filters in your homes heating and cooling vents are clean. If they’re not they can be cleaned or replaced at a low cost.
  • Vacuum regularly — By cleaning the floors more frequently in the winter you’re removing dust and allergens that tend to collect on the floors and carpets.
  • Thermostat — Don’t keep the heat in your home too high. It may be nice to crank up the heat to feel nice and cozy but hot dry air is the perfect environment for viruses and bacteria to be transmitted.
  • Get out more — Because it is so cold outside our inclination is to stay inside where it is warm. However, getting out and away from being in close proximity to others for extended periods of time lowers your chances for catching a virus.

For more helpful health tips please visit our website here. Or to learn more about the Wellness Services offered by Health Through Awareness like Holistic Health Coaching please visit us here.