With the ever growing number of organic food options available to consumers it’s hard to know what’s worth while to buy organic, especially if you’re on a tight budget. Organic produce, meats and beverages almost always carry a higher price tag than their nonorganic counterparts. One of the biggest staples for almost every family household is milk. Knowing the differences between organic milk and nonorganic milk may help you to realize that organic is the better option.
What makes it organic?
- It comes from cows that that are only fed organically grown foods with no pesticides, GMOs or chemically enhanced fertilizers.
- Cows are also allowed to graze freely on grass. Many believe this is a more humane treatment of dairy cows.
- The nutrients from grazing and being fed organically grown foods end up in the milk as well.
Benefits of buying organic:
- Many of the nutrients that end up in the milk from free grazing are carried on to you.
- There is no risk of ingesting pesticides or chemicals from fertilizers that non organically raised cows are exposed to.
- Some scientists believe that there are agents that can help to lower cholesterol like healthy fatty acids.
Organic milks can be found at any organic health food store and at many national supermarket food chains nation wide.
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