What Doctors Have to Say About Thermography

What Doctors Have to Say About Thermography

As Director of the Center for Advancement in Cancer Education (, I have recommended breast thermography to my female clients for many years. It is safe, non-invasive and radiation-free, causes no compression, and can usually detect malignant processes 8-10 years earlier than other screening tools. It also provides an excellent barometer for measuring whether the dietary, lifestyle and other immune-boosting approaches that we encourage are producing positive changes in women working to maintain or regain their breast health. I am delighted to be able to offer Thermal Diagnostic Imagining as a resource for my South Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania clients. Dr. Philip Getson and his wife Liesha are compassionate professionals who have years of experience with this technology, provide high quality interpretations, and offer thorough followup monitoring and guidance.

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Susan Silberstein, PhD

Although I've never wanted to say anything bad about mammograms, they've never really made sense to me. Why are we using radiation to find something we know is CAUSED by radiation? Thermography simply makes more sense. Although there are a number of providers in our area, my experience with Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging has always been remarkable. The staff and technicians are pleasant and efficient, and Dr Getson is reliable and provides high quality interpretations. I'm happy that the technician doing the imaging can directly talk with the person doing the interpretation, as that is not always the case. I especially appreciate that they come to us, so that my patients don't need to travel.

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Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM

I found in my research, and personally, that Thermography can help a woman take a possible pre-cancerous condition and turn it around.

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Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D

Thermography is a breast health screening modality that actually helps prevent breast cancer, not just diagnose it early. I highly recommend this approach.

Christianne Northrup, M.D. is a board-certifed ob/gyn who is a visionary pioneer in women's health and wellness. She is the host of 7 successful public television specials and the author of The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, The Wisdom of Menopause, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, and Mother-Daughter Wisdom.

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Christianne Northrup, M.D

Thank you for being part of our support team at Queen's Health Center II. With all the advancement in both medicine and nutrition, "it may be cancer" is a phrase most people would love to never hear. At QHC II our focus is on optimum health, and an essential part of our protocol is awareness and prevention. Thermography is a pivotal tool our clients use to stay informed and to address possible issues of inflammation if necessary.

There are many aspects of Thermography that I and our clients love: first and foremost the accuracy, the ability to provide advance warning, no compression, global recognition, and medical interpretation.

In addition to the benefits of Thermography I am thrilled to be working with you and your team. Tools are important; however the best tool in the wrong hands has little value. I want to express my deep gratitude to you Dr. Getson and to your team. It is gratifying to know that you are always there to not only interpret the results but to offer professional advice as to possible solutions. On behalf of my staff and clients thank you for providing an invaluable service to our community, and helping us to fulfill our mission.

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Ria M. Gilday, ND

As a Chiropractor and a holistic health care provider, I practice the principle of "first, do no harm". My focus is in preserving the integrity of the body and consistent with this principle is using Thermography as a diagnostic tool to maintain breast health. I recommend this non-invasive, safe and painless technique to all of my adult female patients regardless of age. Thermography represents the true "early detection" of breast diagnosis.

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Dr. Colette Hayes, DC

Dr. Philip and Liesha Getson offer a way for women to fulfill their preventative responsibilities with a painless and harmless procedure that replaces mammograms.

Thermography can find a potential problem by capturing the image of congregated blood vessels that ultimately can supply a tumor with blood. This offers women the opportunity to be naturally aggressive in preventing the advancement of breast cancer. We are excited to host the Getson's at Dallas Wellness Center bi-monthly.

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Debra E Dallas, MS, DCNT

There's a new diagnostic high-tech tool that I've recently welcomed to my clinic, The Natural Health Center. It specifically measures inflammation ... It's called thermal imaging, or thermography ... I recommend this tool.

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Joseph Mercola, D.O.

Before a breast tumor forms, new blood vessels will start to grow into the area. But they are not normal blood vessels. They grow in abnormal patterns and produce an abnormal amount of heat. Thermograms are safe, harmless infrared pictures of the breast that can pick up these abnormal physiological blood vessel and heat patterns as early as five to ten years before a tumor grows to the point where it can be detected by a mammogram, MRI, or ultrasound or felt by a physical exam. What is most exciting is that when these abnormal processes are caught this early, they are reversible. The warning patterns seen by thermography have been found to resolve and return to normal after only a few short months of the healthy diet and lifestyle changes and dietary supplements. Thus, thermography is the first technology we have that shows promise as a screening tool that can help prevent breast cancer and end the breast cancer epidemic."

Christiane Horner, M.D. a nationally recognized surgeon who authored Waking the Warrior Goddess, a book dedicated to helping women protect against and fight breast cancer.

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Christine Horner, M.D

The use of computerized medical infrared imaging for breast cancer detection, diagnosis, and as a high risk and prognostic indicator leads to both earlier detection of breast cancer and increases the overall survival of breast cancer patients.

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Robert Elliot, M.D., Ph.D.

Infrared imaging of the breast should be an integral part of any breast cancer screening program due to its value as an independent risk factor for breast cancer and its value as a prognostic indicator.

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Jonathan Head, Ph.D.

Every woman should include breast thermography as part of their regular breast heath care. I have recommended the use of this technology extensively over the years in my newsletter. Thermography has the unique ability to "map" the individual thermal fingerprint of a woman's breasts. Any change in this map over the course of months and years can signal an early indication of possible tumors or other abnormalities. In fact, studies have shown that an abnormal infrared image is the single most important indicator of high risk for developing breast cancer.

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Susan M. Lark, M.D.

The potential to detect pre-cancerous changes is the real value of thermography. We really need to shift away from the idea that early detection is synonymous with prevention. Conventional medicine continually argues that mammography is the answer to the problem of breast cancer. But early detection of tumors is not really prevention. True prevention is about identifying women, or more specifically breasts that are at risks for developing tumors. This is what thermography allows us to do.

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Joel Evans, M.D.

Before tissue degenerates into cancer, the bodies' metabolic rate around the site increases. A unique aspect of cancerous tumor growth is a process called neo -angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth). As the cells multiply, they need an increase blood supply to bring in nutrients and remove waste. The increase in circulation gives off heat. An infra-red type camera can detect this heat, giving the patient and doctor an opportunity to take action long before a tumor develops. This makes thermography a tremendous weapon in the fight against breast cancer!

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Robert Jay Rowan, M.D.