Role of Vitamin D in Breast Health

Role of Vitamin D in Breast Health

Vitamin D and Breast HealthWith the vast number of women being diagnosed with breast cancer each year, it’s no wonder doctors, scientists, medical professionals in general dedicate so much of their work to the study of breast cancer. Studying its causes can help to determine not only potential cures, but preventative measures women can take as well. There have been so many studies and experiments run to ascertain vitamins and minerals that have a role in breast cancer prevention. One such supplement is Vitamin D.

Numerous studies have been conducted in order to determine the role Vitamin D plays in overall breast health.

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Vitamin D is responsible for the healthy absorption of calcium, zinc, and iron, just to name a few.

Vitamin D can be absorbed through the skin in the form of UVA and UVB rays like the ones found in sunlight. It can also be ingested through foods rich in Vitamin D or through the taking of multivitamins or supplements.

In certain tests Vitamin D has been shown to reduce angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from existing blood vessels, which can slow the spread of cancer.

The only way for calcium to be absorbed into the body is with the help of Vitamin D. Calcium aids in bone health, cardiovascular health, and muscular health.

Zinc is also absorbed with the help of Vitamin D and plays an important role in liver function and clearing the body of harmful toxins that can increase the chance for breast cancer if left to build up in the system.


Only your primary healthcare professional can tell you for sure how much Vitamin D you should be taking daily. He or she can also explain the best ways to work it into your lifestyle. Whether it’s spending more time outside with proper skin protection, eating more foods that are rich in Vitamin D, or taking a daily supplement, your doctor can offer a method that works best for you and your lifestyle.

For more information on breast health and preventative measures for breast cancer, please click here. Or to view the services offered at Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging, please visit our website here.