Cancellation Policy/No Show Policy/Late Policy for Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging for Satellite Location Appointments
Thank you for trusting your Thermography needs to Thermographic Diagnostic Imaging (TDI).
When you schedule an appointment with TDI we set aside enough time to provide you with the highest quality care. In consideration of the expense which is incurred by TDI in order to provide satellite testing (travel time, room rental, staff expenses, scheduling) we have decided to implement the policy outlined below effective January 1, 2024.
1. Cancellation/ No Show Policy for Thermography Appointment: We understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family. However, when you do not call to cancel an appointment, you may be preventing another patient from getting a much needed appointment. Conversely, the situation may arise where another patient fails to cancel and we are unable to schedule you for a visit, due to a seemingly “full” appointment schedule. Therefore, if an appointment is not cancelled at least 24 business hours in advance (that does not include weekends and holidays) you will be charged a 50 dollar ($50.00) fee.
*** On occasion you may be asked by the TDI staff to change your appointment time in order to streamline the off-site testing schedule. We only do this when absolutely necessary. ***
2. Late fee for Scheduled Appointments: We understand that delays can happen however we must try to keep the other patients, technicians and doctors on time. If a patient arrives 10 minutes past their scheduled appointment time we will charge $25.00 late fee and it will be up to the discretion of the technician as to whether the patient can be seen at that time or needs to reschedule.
Please click here to open a PDF to bring to the office on your first visit.