5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Healthy

In our quest for ways to keep our hearts healthy and our bodies fit, we often forget to take care of improving our brain health. Certain foods and activities can have a profound effect on brain health and can enhance cognitive functions, including memory, attention, organization, and awareness. Even coordination, balance, and muscle awareness are all functions that the brain is responsible for.

Healthy Lifestyle WheelIn order to improve brain health follow these helpful tips:

  • Eat healthy — A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides antioxidants to boost brain function. Foods like fish and nuts provide omega 3 fatty acids that help the brain heal and improve the capacity to learn.
  • Exercise your body — Regular physical exercise improves blood flow throughout the entire body, including the brain and also aids in the release of endorphins, which can improve your state of mind.
  • Exercise your mind — Finding ways to stimulate and challenge the brain will help to keep the mind sharp and “in practice”. Reading, writing, socializing, and doing puzzles are good exercises.
  • Get plenty of sleep — The recovery that the brain needs after a long day can only be found during sleep. Sleep also offers detoxification of the brain.
  • Don’t stress — Prolonged stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and any number of mental health issues, including links to Alzheimer’s. Spending time with friends and finding ways to relax, like an infrared, detoxification POD session, can aid in improved brain function.
  • Have your Neuotransmitters (chemical messengers) tested. A simple urine test can identify which neurotransmitter(s) may be playing a role in your health concerns. Neurotransmitter testing can untangle complex and recurring health conditions and get to the root problems underlying your symptoms.

For more information on making healthy life choices, or to learn more about the Wellness Services offered at Health Through Awareness, visit our website here.