Wellness for Life

Wellness for Life

Elsie KernsElsie Kerns

Wellness Educator, Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner. Elsie’s passion is teaching self-empowering techniques to manage stress and eliminate the dis-ease that accompanies it.

Simple Stress Strategies teach you how to . . .

  • Keep Your Energies Humming before BURNOUT!
  • Create a daily routine to enhance, expand, focus & free up your energy
  • Protect your personal homeland security system – Your Immune System!

Website: Click here
Tao Integrative Institute, Suite 200, Rothman Institute, 999 Rt. 73 South, Marlton, NJ 08053
Phone: 856-435-3427

[su_button url=”https://tdinj.com/tdiwebinars/relaxation-response/” style=”soft” background=”#7dc74d” size=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right”]Webinar Topic: The Relaxation Response[/su_button]

[su_button url=”https://tdinj.com/tdiwebinars/stress-reduction-for-health-and-vitality/” style=”soft” background=”#7dc74d” size=”5″ icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right”]Webinar Topic: Stress Reduction for Health and Vitality[/su_button]